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Generator diagnostics

  • 💀 Fatal: An issue that prevents code generation entirely.
  • Error: Undesired or unexpected behavior. Resolve all errors before a 0.0.1 release.
  • ⚠️ Warning: Potentially undesired or unexpected behavior. Resolve all warnings before a 1.0.0 release.
  • ✍️ Note: A potential improvement or misconfiguration. Investigate all notes before a 1.0.0 release.


⚠️ ClientOpt/UnnecessarilyRequired

client_settings.opts.{client_opt_name} is non-nullable, but isn't used in every security config, so it will be unnecessarily required in some cases.

Set nullable: true on the option or use it in every security config .


❌ Config/OpenAPIReferenceInvalid



❌ Endpoint/BothSpecifiedAndUnspecified

{endpoint} is in unspecified_endpoints, but is specified in resources, so code will still be generated for it.

An endpoint cannot be both specified and unspecified. Remove it from unspecified_endpoints or resources.

❌ Endpoint/NotFound

{endpoint} was not found in the OpenAPI spec, so code will not be generated for it.

❌ Endpoint/NotHttp

{endpoint} is not an HTTP endpoint, but only HTTP endpoints are supported, so code will not be generated for it.

An HTTP endpoint must contain:

  1. get, post, put, patch or delete
  2. Then a space
  3. Then a path that begins with a /

❌ Endpoint/NotSpecified

{endpoint} is in unspecified_endpoints, so code will not be generated for it.

⚠️ Endpoint/NotConfigured

{endpoint} exists in the OpenAPI spec, but isn't specified in the Stainless config, so code will not be generated for it.

✍️ Endpoint/IsIgnored

{endpoint} is in unspecified_endpoints, so code will not be generated for it.

If this is intentional, then ignore this note. Otherwise, remove the endpoint from unspecified_endpoints and add it to resources.


❌ Go/DuplicateVariantNameForUnion

Variant names for union {type_name} at {oas_path} overlap, as we could not infer good unique names for the variants.

These are the overlapping schemas:

  • {variants.0}
  • {variants.1}

You can assign better names to these schemas by assigning a title or making the variant a model.

❌ Go/SnippetNotValid

This example snippet could not be formatted correctly.

The snippet:






⚠️ Go/NameNotAllowed


⚠️ Go/SchemaVariantRequiresDiscriminator

Variant for union requires a property for discriminator {discriminator_property_name}

⚠️ Go/SchemaVariantTypeNotSupported

Variant type '{variant_type}' is not currently supported

✍️ Go/DuplicateVariantDeserializationConditions

This union schema has more than one variant with the same deserialization condition, so some of the variants may never be deserialized to.

The following variants have the same deserialization condition:

{conditions.0.representation}: gjson={conditions.0.gjson_value} discriminatorValue={conditions.0.discriminator_value}
{conditions.1.representation}: gjson={conditions.1.gjson_value} discriminatorValue={conditions.1.discriminator_value}

Update these variants so that they can be differentiated during deserialization or remove all but one of them.

✍️ Go/MultipleFormatsInUnion

Multiple different schema formats found for variants of {oas_path}: {formats.0}, {formats.1}

✍️ Go/SchemaUnionDiscriminatorMissing

This union schema has more than one object variant, but no discriminator property, so deserializing the union may be inefficient or ambiguous.

Deserializing this union schema requires trying to match it against each object variant in sequence, which may:

  • Be inefficient for large or many variants
  • Result in ambiguities if two object variants have the same required properties

Adding a discriminator property solves these problems because it immediately indicates which variant a serialized union should be deserialized to.

If these problems don't apply to this union schema, the ignore this note. Otherwise, add a discriminator property.


❌ Java/UnsupportedAliasModel

We currently do not support generating alias models in Java/Kotlin. You will have to remove it from the config.

⚠️ Java/NameIsReserved

This schema has a name that conflicts with a reserved name, so it will be renamed from {name} to {new_name}.

Set a different name by doing one of:

  • Defining a model
  • Setting a title property on the schema
  • Extracting the schema to #/components/schemas

⚠️ Java/NameNotAllowed


⚠️ Java/NestedAndParentClassNamesConflict

This schema's class has the same name as one of its parent classes, so it will be renamed from {class_name} to {new_class_name}.

Set a different name by doing one of:

  • Defining a model

  • Setting a title property on the schema

  • Extracting the schema to #/components/schemas

  • Setting an x-stainless-naming property on the schema like so:

        type_name: NewClassName

✍️ Java/CollapsedUnionHasRedundantModel

This union collapses to its enum variant ({collapsed_variant.stainless_path}), but both are models, so only the enum model will be respected.

Only define either the union or the enum variant as a model.

✍️ Java/SchemaUnionDiscriminatorMissing

This union schema has more than one object variant, but no discriminator property, so deserializing the union may be inefficient or ambiguous.

Deserializing this union schema requires trying to match it against each object variant in sequence, which may:

  • Be inefficient for large or many variants
  • Result in ambiguities if two object variants have the same required properties

Adding a discriminator property solves these problems because it immediately indicates which variant a serialized union should be deserialized to.

If these problems don't apply to this union schema, the ignore this note. Otherwise, add a discriminator property.


❌ Method/NameNotValid

Method name invalid, please rename it: {reason}

⚠️ Method/AmbiguousEnvelopeUnwrap

Multiple properties matched potential unwrap_response properties: {matched_properties.0} or {matched_properties.1}, so unwrapping the envelope has been disabled for this endpoint.

Disambiguate which unwrap property to use by setting a specific property to use, (e.g. unwrap_response: {matched_properties.0} on the method config.

⚠️ Method/ExpectedMatchPaginationScheme

Expected method to have matched pagination scheme {pagination_scheme} because it was explicitly configured in the method config.

Reasons why matching {} failed:

  • result.errors.0
  • result.errors.1

There were matches of these other pagination styles: {other_matches.0} and {other_matches.1}

⚠️ Method/ExpectedNoPagination

Expected method to have not matched a pagination scheme because {reason}.

There were matches of these pagination styles:

If the endpoint is paginated, you can disable this diagnostic by setting paginated to true in the method config.


    type: http
    endpoint: get /examples
    paginated: true

By default Stainless expects methods for paginated endpoints to be prefixed with list. That's a simple and common convention that helps users understand that the method is paginated.

If you have a use case for a paginated method that doesn't follow that convention, you can disable this diagnostic by setting paginated to true in the method config.

    type: http
    endpoint: get /examples
    paginated: true

⚠️ Method/MatchedMultiplePages

Found multiple matching pagination schemes, {pages.0} and {pages.1}. Add an explicit pagination: {page_name} to the method definition to disambiguate.

⚠️ Method/MissingEnvelopeUnwrap

Expected envelope unwrap property {unwrap_field} specified by settings.unwrap_response_fields was expected to exist on the response object, but none was found so the raw response was used.

The following fields were found on the response object: {existing_properties.0} and {existing_properties.1}.

If this endpoint intentionally doesn't match a response envelope, you can disable matching for this endpoint by configuring the method at {config_path} to have unwrap_field: false

⚠️ Method/PaginatedWithoutMatchingScheme

{path} is paginated, but does not match any pagination scheme, so it will not be interpreted as paginated.

The method is paginated because its name starts with list or its paginated property is set to true in the Stainless config.

If this is intentional, then add a pagination scheme for the method. Otherwise, remove its paginated property from the Stainless config or set its paginated property to false if the method's name starts with list.

The following defined pagination schemes have issues:

  • {}:
    • {results.0.errors.0}
    • {results.0.errors.1}
  • {}:
    • {results.1.errors.0}
    • {results.1.errors.1}

⚠️ Method/PathComponentMissingParameter

This endpoint is missing a parameter for path component {component}.

⚠️ Method/PathNotValid

This method's path ({path}) doesn't start with /, so the method will be ignored.

⚠️ Method/RequestBodyNotSupported

The endpoint is a GET method but has a request body. This is not recommended and will crash for JS fetch users.

This is usually a mistake in the spec, and can be resolved by removing the request body from the endpoint. If this is how your API works, we suggest you change your API, as some javascript runtimes do not support this, and neither does the Go standard library.

✍️ Method/BodyRootParamUnnamed

This method has a non-object request body, so its argument's name in the generated code will be {fallback_name}.

If {fallback_name} is an appropriate name, then ignore this note. Otherwise, set body_param_name in the method config to the desired name.

✍️ Method/PathHasRepeatedComponent

This endpoint has duplicate path component {component} in the path {endpoint}, which may not be intended.


❌ Model/DuplicateName

Another model with name {existing_model_name} already exists. Models should always have a unique name, or a unique namespaced name under a resource declared as a standalone_api.

❌ Model/NotFound

{path} was not found in the Stainless config, so it will be ignored.

⚠️ Model/DuplicateDefinition

Schema {ref_name} is already declared as a model at {existing_model_name}; One of the model definitions should be removed.

⚠️ Model/ParamsSuffixNameClash

Model config no_params_suffix is set to true but the schema is used in a response so removing the suffix would cause a name clash.

✍️ Model/IsConstant

This schema has only one possible value, but it's a model, so it won't be automatically set as the default value for the user.

If the schema may have more possible values in the future, then ignore this note. Otherwise, don't define it as a model. Some SDKs conveniently set constant non-model schemas as the default for the user.

This schema's only possible value is the following:


✍️ Model/IsIndirect

{config_path} references a schema that has $ref: {schema_ref}, but could potentially reference {schema_ref} directly.

If this is for naming or other purposes, then ignore this note. Otherwise, consider referencing {schema_ref} directly for clarity.

✍️ Model/NeedsRename

Consider renaming model {model.raw_name}; e.g. {suggestion}'

✍️ Model/Recommended

{oas_path} could potentially be defined as a model within #/resources/{recommended_resource_path.0}/subresources/{recommended_resource_path.1}.

The duplicated schema definition is not defined as a model so it will be duplicated in the generated code, even if the schema definition is shared using a $ref.

If this is intentional, then ignore this note. Otherwise, consider defining the schema as a model so that it's defined once in the generated code, and then referenced multiple times.


❌ OAS/NotValid

{oas_path} has an invalid shape: {reason}

❌ OAS/ReferenceNotFound

Reference pointed to by {ref_location} is missing from spec: {missing_pointer}

✍️ OAS/InvalidExample

Example is not valid for schema

Example: "{value}"


✍️ OAS/InvalidUnionExample

Could not find matching variant for the given example "{example}"


❌ Pagination/DuplicatePurpose

Pagination purpose '{purpose}' should only be defined once but it was defined {amount} times.

❌ Pagination/ExpectedHasNextPageToBeBoolean

Expected paginated response field {property_name} to be a boolean type.

❌ Pagination/ExpectedItemsToBeObject

Expected paginated items schema to be an 'object' type.

❌ Pagination/MissingProperty

Could not infer a response property with a '{purpose}' purpose as there were 16 applicable properties {inferred_schemas.0.schema_ref.property_info.key} and {inferred_schemas.1.schema_ref.property_info.key}.

You need to explicitly declare which response property should be used {used_for}. For example:


❌ Pagination/UnsupportedItemsSchemaType

The paginated items schema must be an 'array' type, received '{schema.type}'.

❌ Pagination/UnsupportedPurposePlacement

Explicit pagination purpose '{purpose}' can only be set for schemas within object properties but it was set on a schema with a {schema.parent.type} parent.

❌ Pagination/UnusedPurposeConfig

Explicit pagination purpose config is defined but it was not used. Is '{schema.raw_schema.x_stainless_pagination_property.purpose}' a supported purpose for the '{page.type}' pagination type?

⚠️ Pagination/DuplicateName

A pagination config with the name {name} was declared multiple times.

These pagination configs conflict with each other:

  {indices.0}: { name: {name}, … }
  {indices.1}: { name: {name}, … }

✍️ Pagination/NotConfigured

Pagination for your SDKs have not been configured. See our configuration guide for more information.


❌ Parameter/SchemaTypeNotValid

Schema type {type} is not a valid path param type; Expected one of {supported_types.0} or {supported_types.1}

⚠️ Parameter/DuplicateNames

Multiple parameters have the same SDK identifer of {name}, so they will be renamed.

Rename the following parameters using x-stainless-param:

  • {params.0.oas_ref}
  • {params.1.oas_ref}

For example:

name: {}
in: {params.0.param_location}
# ...
x-stainless-param: other_{name}

⚠️ Parameter/MissingName

The parameter name is missing or empty. It should be given a name.

⚠️ Parameter/MissingSchema

No schema for parameter is defined, assuming it's a schema of type: string

⚠️ Parameter/NotFound

Got an unknown param in positional_params: {path}

⚠️ Parameter/NotValid


✍️ Parameter/HeaderIsNullable

This header parameter has type: null or nullable: true, which is unsupported, so it will not be interpreted as nullable.

A header parameter can be optionally sent, which is configured by the required property, but it cannot be sent as null.

Make the header parameter optional and non-nullable instead.

✍️ Parameter/NameHasBrackets

Parameter has supplied name {parameter_name}, the trailing [] was stripped for the SDK parameter name.

✍️ Parameter/PathIsNullable

This path parameter has type: null or nullable: true, which is unsupported, so it will not be interpreted as nullable.

✍️ Parameter/PathIsOptional

This path parameter has required: false, which is unsupported, so it will not be interpreted as optional.


❌ Python/PackageNameNotAllowed

The package name {package_name} contains illegal characters, so they will be replaced with _.

Python doesn't allow for -, @ or / in import names. You must remove these characters.

You can specify a different name for PyPi and imports with this config:

  project_name: 'pypi-name' # e.g. `pip install pypi-name`
  package_name: 'import_name' # e.g. `import import_name`

❌ Python/RequestParamShadowsDefault

Request param '{name}' would shadow a request option with the same name

⚠️ Python/DuplicateDeclaration

We generated two separated types under the same name: {typename}. If they are the referring to the same type, they should be extracted to the same ref and be declared as a model. Otherwise, they should be renamed with x-stainless-naming

⚠️ Python/NameNotAllowed


⚠️ Python/PyPiPackageNameDeprecated

targets.python.publish.pypi.package_name is deprecated, please remove it in favour of targets.python.project_name


⚠️ QuerySettings/BracketsFormatMustBeSet

The spec names array query params with brackets (e.g my_param[]). To support this, configure query_settings.array_format: brackets in the Stainless config.


⚠️ Readme/MissingPaginationSnippet

Pagination has been configured but there is no readme.example_requests.pagination snippet defined

⚠️ Readme/MissingStreamingSnippet

Streaming has been configured but there is no readme.example_requests.streaming snippet defined


❌ ReadmeExample/CustomConfigNotValid


⚠️ ReadmeExample/MethodNotPaginated

Expected method {} to be paginated

⚠️ ReadmeExample/MethodNotStreaming

Expected method {} to be streamed

⚠️ ReadmeExample/MissingNestedParam

Expected the given example params to include a nested object; The '{suggestion.method.endpoint}' endpoint has a nested parameter, '{suggestion.key}'.

✍️ ReadmeExample/MissingParam


✍️ ReadmeExample/UnknownProperty



❌ Reference/NotASchema

{path} resolved to a value that doesn't look like a schema: "{value}".

❌ Reference/NotFound

{ref} was not found in the OpenAPI spec, so it will be ignored.

Did you mean {closest_ref}?


❌ Resource/HasConflict

p has a name that conflicts with one or more resources, which may cause errors in the generated code.

Merge these resources into one to resolve the error:

  • {paths.0}
  • {paths.1}

❌ Resource/NotFound

{path} was not found in the Stainless config, so it will be ignored.


❌ Response/TypeNotObjectForEnvelope

unwrap_response_fields has been set but the method's response type is {response_type} not object.

Envelope unwrapping only supports top-level response schemas with type: object and type: allOf. You may want to re-define the response schema, or turn off response unwrapping for this method by setting unwrap_response to false.

❌ Response/UnsupportedHeaderType

Unexpected non-primitive type: {type} for response header schema: {name}

✍️ Response/SchemaTypeNotValidForText

Expected schema with type: 'string' for content type {content_type}

✍️ Response/UnsupportedContentType

Did not find a supported operation response content type; Received {content_types.0} and {content_types.1}


❌ Ruby/PaginationTypeUnsupported

The beta Ruby SDK generator does not yet support {type} pagination

❌ Ruby/UnexpectedParams

Unable to generate a method corresponding to the params in this method

⚠️ Ruby/MultipleNamedModelsInIntersection

Multiple named models found in intersection, currently only 1 named model is supported: - {model_names.0} - {model_names.1}

⚠️ Ruby/NameNotAllowed

Renamed illegal Ruby identifier from "{name}" to "{new_name}", because {reason}.

Please rename it using the 'renameValue' transform.

⚠️ Ruby/NameShadowedBuiltin

Renamed Ruby method from "{name}" to "{new_name}" to avoid shadowing a built-in method.

Please rename it using the 'renameValue' transform.

⚠️ Ruby/SnippetNotFormatted

Ruby snippet did not format correctly and may have a syntax error.

⚠️ Ruby/UnimplementedType

The beta Ruby SDK generator is not yet able to emit code for type {schema.type}; values will be passed through as-is and documented as Object for now

✍️ Ruby/UnnamedType

The beta Ruby SDK generator is not yet able to pick a meaningful name for this type, will use {generated_name} for now


❌ Schema/CannotInferEnumMemberName

Could not generate name for enum member {member_name} in language {language}

❌ Schema/DirectlyReferencesSelf

This schema references itself directly via its {combinator} key, so the self-referential entries will be ignored.

The schema contains direct recursive references to itself, so the following entries are ignored:

  • {recursive_indices.0}
  • {recursive_indices.1}

Consider restructuring the schema to avoid self-references.

Self-referential schemas (schemas that reference themselves) have limited support. When encountered, only specific variants containing these self-references will be used, which may result in incomplete type definitions.

Example of a self-referential schema:

        - type: string
        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Node'

❌ Schema/ExternalReference

Schema $ref "{ref_name}" could not be resolved, is it an external reference? e.g. file or url

❌ Schema/InconsistentEnumMembers

Inconsistent enum member type encountered, expected {expected_type} but received object

❌ Schema/RecursiveMustBeModel

Schema $ref: '{recursive_ref_name}' is recursively referenced and should be added as a model to the Stainless config.

❌ Schema/TypeNotValid

Schema type {type} is not a part of the JSON Schema specification and not supported by Stainless.

⚠️ Schema/CannotInferName

This schema's name could not be inferred, so it will be given an arbitrary placeholder name in the generated code.

Set a name by doing one of:

  • Defining a model
  • Setting a title property on the schema
  • Extracting the schema to #/components/schemas

For some schemas, the Stainless code generator cannot infer a name without additional information. This is usually because the schema is too complex or ambiguous.

For example, consider a schema that represents a string or an object:

  - type: string
  - type: object
        type: string
        type: string

Some languages may need an explicit name for the object, but it's not clear what to call it.

⚠️ Schema/CannotInferUnionVariantName

This union variant's name could not be inferred, so it will be given an arbitrary placeholder name in the generated code.

Set a name by doing one of:

  • Defining a model
  • Setting a title property on the schema
  • Extracting the schema to #/components/schemas
  • Setting an x-stainless-variantName property on the schema

For some union variants, the Stainless code generator cannot infer a name without additional information. This is usually because the union is too complex or ambiguous.

For example, consider a union schema that represents one of:

  • A string
  • An array of string arrays or strings
  - type: string
  - type: array
        - type: array
              type: string
        - type: string

Some languages may need an explicit name for the "array of string arrays or strings" variant, but it's not clear what to call it.

⚠️ Schema/ConstAndEnumMismatch

This enum schema has both enum and const properties, but with different values, so the enum property will be ignored.

⚠️ Schema/ConstEnumHasMultipleMembers

This enum schema is marked as x-stainless-const: true, but has multiple members, so it will not be interpreted as const.

Remove all but one member or don't mark the enum as x-stainless-const: true.

⚠️ Schema/DeprecationMessageWithoutDeprecation

This schema has an x-stainless-deprecation-message, but it is not deprecated, so the message will have no effect.

Remove x-stainless-deprecation-message or add deprecated: true.

⚠️ Schema/DiscriminatedUnionVariantMissingProperty

Union variant doesn't define the property discriminator {property_name} which is required as the union schema defines discriminator.propertyName

⚠️ Schema/EnumDescriptionNotValid


⚠️ Schema/EnumIsAmbiguous

Schema defines an enum property that only includes null.

Either at least one member should be added, or use nullable: true or type: null instead of enum.

⚠️ Schema/PatternNotValid

{pattern} is invalid, unsupported, or conflicts with this schema's minLength or maxLength, so it will be ignored, which could cause generated tests to fail.

Fix the regex pattern or remove it using the removePatterns transform.

⚠️ Schema/TypeMissing

Schema is missing a type property, and it was not automatically inferred.

✍️ Schema/ArrayMissingItems


✍️ Schema/DeprecatedWithoutMessage

This schema has been marked deprecated with deprecated: true, but no deprecation message has been supplied by x-stainless-deprecation-message.

Add x-stainless-deprecation-message: <message> or remove deprecated: true.

✍️ Schema/EnumDuplicateMembers

This enum has duplicate members; {duplicates.0.value} and {duplicates.1.value}; so they will be ignored.

✍️ Schema/EnumHasOneMember

This enum schema has just one member, so it could be defined using const.

If the enum schema may have more members in the future, then ignore this note. Otherwise, define the schema using const. Some SDKs conveniently set const properties as the default for the user.

If you can't switch the schema to const, but want the SDK to treat it like one, then add x-stainless-const: true to the schema instead.

✍️ Schema/EnumMemberTypeNotValid

Enum member has type "{member_type}" which is not a primitive type.

To fix, you may want to use a oneOf or anyOf instead of an enum definition.

✍️ Schema/IsAmbiguous

{oas_path} does not have at least one of type, oneOf, anyOf, or allOf, so its type has been interpreted as unknown.

If the schema should have a specific type, then add type to it.

If the schema should accept anything, then add x-stainless-any: true to suppress this note. If there are many such schemas, then use the replaceMatchingSchemas transform to update them all.

✍️ Schema/MultipleEnumMemberTypes

Found enum members with different types ("{member_types.0}" and "{member_types.1}"). To fix, this should likely be an anyOf instead.

✍️ Schema/ObjectHasNoProperties

{oas_path} has neither properties nor additionalProperties so its type has been interpreted as unknown.

If the schema should be a map, then add additionalProperties to it.

If the schema should be an empty object type, then add x-stainless-empty-object: true to it. A schema with just type: object and no other information is not interpreted as an empty object type.

✍️ Schema/RequiredPropertyNotDefined

This schema marks {unknown_required_props.0} and {unknown_required_props.1} as required, but they aren't defined in properties, so they will be ignored.

Remove the properties from required or define them in properties.

✍️ Schema/StringFormatNotSupported

{oas_path} specifies format: {format}, which is unsupported, so the format property will be ignored.

A string schema's format property can be set to binary, byte, date, date-time, time, uri or uuid.

If this is for documentation or other purposes, then ignore this note. Otherwise, remove the property or specify a supported format.


❌ Security/InvalidSchemeRole

{invalid_role} is not a valid auth.role for security_scheme {security_scheme_name}.

{security_scheme_name}'s auth.role can be set to {valid_roles.0} or {valid_roles.1}.

❌ Security/SchemeNotFound

Could not find security scheme: {security_scheme_name}

❌ Security/SchemeNotSupported

Security scheme not yet supported: {security_scheme_name}. Please contact with your use-case, and we can likely add this.

⚠️ Security/SchemeNotValid

Invalid security scheme {security_scheme_name}: {reason}

✍️ Security/MissingConfiguration

No valid root-level 'security' section in your Stainless config or OpenAPI specification files, so authentication is not configured for your SDKs. See for details.


❌ Streaming/UnsupportedParamsStructure

Streaming method uses a union type for request params which is not supported yet.

⚠️ Streaming/DuplicateFallthroughEvents

Multiple kind: fallthrough streaming events were declared, so they will all be ignored.

  {indices.0}: { kind: fallthrough, … }
  {indices.1}: { kind: fallthrough, … }

✍️ Streaming/CannotInferParamsName

No model name, $ref or streaming.param_type_name defined - using default params type name


❌ Terraform/ResourceCannotBeInferred

({resource_name}) {detail}

❌ Terraform/ResourceHasAmbiguousProperties

({resource_name}) resource has some properties with an undefined type, which results in a raw JSON field. To resolve, add type annotations to the following properties:

  • {properties.0}
  • {properties.1}

❌ Terraform/UnknownInUnion

One of the variants in a union has an undefined type, so it was omitted. Add type annotations to the variant have it included, or use x-stainless-skip to omit the variant explicitly.

⚠️ Terraform/DataSourceAttributeTypeMismatch

({}) resource has multiple methods with conflicting types for attribute "{attribute_name}", which is omitted as a data source parameter.

⚠️ Terraform/DataSourceCannotBeFoundById

({}) resource generates both "find many" and "get one" data sources, but the "get one" data source cannot be generated with "find_one_by" filter unless the "id_property" attribute is specified under "find many" method.

⚠️ Terraform/ResourceHasNamingCollision

({}) resource has a property with the name "{conflicting_name}" which conflicts with the name of the "{name}" {attribute_type} attribute. As an interim measure, To resolve, please {customer_action}.

⚠️ Terraform/UnsupportedDeleteBehaviorUnspecified

({resource_name}) Could not find a delete operation. If the resource does not support deletion, provide a value for 'unsupported_delete_behavior'.

⚠️ Terraform/UnsupportedQueryType

({}) resource has a property "{attribute_name}" of type "{type}" which is currently unsupported in Terraform.

⚠️ Terraform/UnsupportedRequest

({resource_name}) resource has an unsupported request type ({request_type}) in method {}. Supported response types are: {supported_request_types.0}, {supported_request_types.1}.

⚠️ Terraform/UnsupportedResponse

({resource_name}) resource has an unsupported response type ({response_type}) in method {}, and will be ignored. Supported response types are: {supported_response_types.0}, {supported_response_types.1}.

✍️ Terraform/PotentiallyConfusingPaginationAttribute

({}) resource has a property with the name "{attribute_name}" which could be a pagination attribute that should be abstracted away in Terraform.


❌ Transform/Failed

Transformation {command} at step {step} exited with a failure



❌ Unsupported/MixOfArrayQueryParamFormat

The OpenAPI spec has a mixture of bracket and non-bracket query params, which is not supported by Stainless.

⚠️ Unsupported/SkipAndOnly

Both skip and only are specified, but only skip will be respected.

Only one of skip and only can specified at once.

⚠️ Unsupported/WebsocketEventDiscriminatorValue

The event schema discriminator value ({value}) is not a string, no types will be generated for it.

⚠️ Unsupported/WebsocketEventVariantIsNotAnObject

The event schema type ({schema.type}) is not object, this event variant will be skipped.

✍️ Unsupported/WebhookUnwrap

Webhook unwrap method tests are not currently supported for {language}

✍️ Unsupported/WebsocketMethod

Websocket methods are not currently supported for {language}


❌ Websocket/EventSchemaIsNotADiscriminatedUnion

The event schema type ({schema.type}) is a union but it is not discriminated, no {from} event types will be generated.

You can mark a union schema as discriminated with the discriminator property:

  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/StartEvent'
  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/EndEvent'
  propertyName: 'type'

❌ Websocket/EventSchemaIsNotAUnion

The event schema type ({schema.type}) is not a union, no {from} event types will be generated.

⚠️ Websocket/EventDiscriminatorNotAnEnum

The event schema discriminator property type ({schema.type}) is not an enum type, this event will not be generated.

⚠️ Websocket/EventMissingDiscriminator

The event schema is missing the ({discriminator_property}) property, this event will not be generated.


💀 BuildCommandError

A build command reported issues: {command}

💀 FatalError

Fatal error while generating code

💀 FormatterCommandError

A formatter reported an error: {command}

❌ BootstrapCommandError

A bootstrap command reported an error: {command}

❌ InvalidInternalState


❌ LinkCommandError

A link command reported an error: {command}

❌ LinterCommandError

A linter reported issues: {command}

❌ TestCommandError

A test command reported an error: {command}

❌ UnlinkCommandError

A link command reported an error: {command}