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Getting started with Terraform


Our provider is currently in beta, which means that we may not support all types of schemas ergonomically, and may make breaking changes.

This guide describes how to generate a Terraform provider for your API. Terraform is a declarative language for configuring or provisioning resources, commonly used by cloud infrastructure providers. You can also use it for any type of API where you want to configure static resources and check the configuration into source control.

Example use cases:

  • Cloud infrastructure provisioning
  • Logging and monitoring products
  • Cloud automation
  • Billing rules
  • Security workflows
  • Web services


Terraform providers require more maintenance than our other SDKs and impose some additional constraints on your API. The following section can help you determine whether setting up a Terraform provider for your API makes sense.


The Terraform provider works best for APIs where the endpoints on a given resource are uniform — the create, update, and read requests and responses all have the same shape and field names, and conceptually “set” all the properties in a straightforward way.

For example, a CRUD-like API for a resource called Product in an e-commerce application might look like this:

  • post /products Create a product, and return the product (with ID) in the response
  • get /products List the products (potentially filtering with query params)
  • put /products/{product_id} Update the product fields and return the product
  • get /products/{product_id} Return the product given the ID
  • delete /products/{product_id} Delete the product given the ID
In OpenAPI terms, it might look something like this:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductListResponse'

$ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ProductRequest'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductResponse'

- $ref: '#/components/parameters/ProductID'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductResponse'

- $ref: '#/components/parameters/ProductID'
$ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ProductRequest'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductResponse'

- $ref: '#/components/parameters/ProductID'

name: product_id
in: path
required: true
type: string
required: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Product'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Product'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Product'
type: string
readonly: true
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: integer
An example resource for the above schema:
resource "ecommerce_product" "the_cube" {
name = "The Cube"
description = "A large stainless steel cube"
image_url = ""
price = 1000

Your API doesn’t have to be perfectly regular, but the more CRUD-like it is, the less configuration it needs.

If needed, you can conform your API to have more CRUD-like behavior using the Stainless config, OpenAPI spec, or custom code.

Acceptance tests against real infrastructure

Because not all server behavior is captured in the OpenAPI spec, we recommend testing your Terraform provider against real infrastructure to make sure that it behaves correctly.

You can write acceptance tests using Hashicorp’s built-in testing framework. They execute against your provider and can run against your real infrastructure. You’ll want to have a suitable demo or dev environment such that you can create and delete resources safely.

To ensure that data correctly round-trips to your server and back, we recommend writing at least one acceptance test per resource and data source.

State migrations for breaking changes

Unlike our other SDKs, Terraform providers have a concept of "state". Every time a user creates or edits resources, the state of that resource is saved into a file with the extension *.tfstate (or saved to the cloud). This state is used for future runs to preserve mappings of IDs and version information and to determine which resources already exist.

This means that if you make a breaking change to your API, you need to write a state migration to automatically upgrade the user’s state to the new version.

A state migration is a Go function within the provider codebase that describes how to go from one schema version to the next for a given resource, much like a database migration for Terraform state.

Breaking changes in Terraform are similar to breaking changes in your API or other SDKs. Some examples of breaking changes include:

  • Renaming a Terraform resource
  • Renaming an attribute of the resource
  • Removing an attribute

See Hashicorp’s documentation for the full list and guidance on how to version properly.

To write state migrations, implement deprecations, and do other customization, edit your Terraform repository using Stainless’s custom code feature — we’ll preserve the changes.

Getting started

Enable Go and Terraform

The Terraform provider uses the generated Go SDK to make requests to your backend when fulfilling Terraform requests. This means you must enable the Go SDK for the Terraform SDK to work. Any custom logic in your provider can also use the generated Go SDK.

In the Studio, add go and terraform to your project:

package_name: <your-go-package-name>
production_repo: null
provider_name: <your-provider-name>
production_repo: null

Enable some resources

Generate Terraform resources and data sources by annotating the resource in the Stainless config. The simplest way to do this is to set terraform: true on the resource.

terraform: true
create: post /accounts
edit: put /accounts/{account_id}
get: get /accounts/{account_id}
delete: delete /accounts/{account_id}

If you want to automatically generate all Terraform resources by default, configure the terraform target:

provider_name: <your-provider-name>
production_repo: null
infer_all_services: true

You can override this behavior for individual resources by setting terraform: false.

Address diagnostics

When you switch to the Terraform tab in Stainless Studio, you may see some diagnostics that relate to the resources you enabled. View our diagnostics reference for instructions on how to resolve them. You don’t have to address them all right away, but consider addressing any Error diagnostics to maximize the chances that the provider will work while testing.

View your generated provider

Once the provider is generating, take a look at the repo to see the generated output.

View examples and documentation

You can find generated documentation and examples in the ./docs/resources and ./docs/data-sources folders.

You can use Terraform’s documentation preview tool to see a formatted version of each resource and confirm that they make sense.

Install the generated provider

  1. Install Terraform on your machine.

  2. Clone the generated Terraform repository from github, and cd into it.

  3. Run ./scripts/bootstrap to install go and dependencies.

  4. Run go build -o terraform-provider-<providername> to build the binary.

  5. Edit (or create) your ~.terraformrc file and configure it to point to the directory where you put the Terraform provider. This ensures that when you try out the provider yourself, it looks locally instead of at the registry:

     provider_installation {
    dev_overrides {
    "<your-org>/<providername>" = "/path/to/local/terraform/directory"
    direct {}

  6. Copy an example resource from the ./examples directory of your generated Terraform repo to a file called, which should look similar to:

    terraform {
    required_providers {
    <your-org> = {
    source = "<your-org>/<providername>"
    version = "~> 1.0.0"

    provider "<providername>" {
    api_key = "<dev api key>"

    # copied from examples/resources
    resource "<providername>_<resourcename>" "example" {
    name = "The Cube"
    description = "A large stainless steel cube"
    image_url = ""
    price = 1000
  7. Run terraform apply to see the resource get created.

Write an acceptance test

Now that you have tested some resources manually, write automated tests that cover all relevant cases and ensure that the provider is ready to ship.

Create a test for a resource

Follow Hashicorp’s acceptance test guide to run a test against the resource. A test typically looks like:

package example

// example.Widget represents a concrete Go type that represents an API resource
func TestAccExampleWidget_basic(t *testing.T) {
var widgetBefore, widgetAfter example.Widget
rName := acctest.RandStringFromCharSet(10, acctest.CharSetAlphaNum)

resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
CheckDestroy: testAccCheckExampleResourceDestroy,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testAccExampleResource(rName),
ConfigStateChecks: []statecheck.StateCheck{
stateCheckExampleResourceExists("", &widgetBefore),
Config: testAccExampleResource_removedPolicy(rName),
ConfigStateChecks: []statecheck.StateCheck{
stateCheckExampleResourceExists("", &widgetAfter),

Our recommended approach is to have at least:

  • A basic test with only required parameters
  • A more complete or complex test that covers optional parameters

We also recommend implementing some test sweepers to clear out straggling entities on the server that don’t get deleted in the event a test fails.

Run the test

Because acceptance tests run against real infrastructure and can be slow, go test will not run them by default (and instead just runs unit tests). The way that you run the acceptance tests is by setting the TF_ACC environment variable before running go test:

TF_ACC=1 go test ./internal/services/my_service -count 1

Set up acceptance tests in CI

You can run your acceptance tests in CI to gain ongoing confidence in the correctness of the provider.

Sometimes the tests are too slow to be run upon every commit, but you could have them run on a daily schedule, or just manually run via Github’s Actions tab. See the Github Actions workflow on Hashicorp’s site.

It’s highly recommended that you ensure the tests all pass before merging a release PR.

Release a beta

Once your resources are all tested, and you’ve resolved all error diagnostics, you can release a beta terraform provider.

To issue the beta release, set up a production repo and follow the instructions on our publishing guide.

Customizing the provider

Resource-specific configuration

In addition to setting terraform: true, you can provide an object to further customize a resource.

resource: true # whether to enable the resource
data_source: true # whether to enable the data sources
name: my_custom_name # a custom name for the resource/data source
methods: ...

See the resource reference for more information.

Changing endpoint mapping and ID properties

Sometimes your API endpoints don’t fully match CRUD semantics. You can customize which endpoints have which Terraform behavior (create, read, update, delete), and how to find the ID parameter.

  • method specifies which CRUD operation the endpoint should be used for
  • id_property for create, specifies the request or response property that represents the ID
  • id_path_param for read, update, and delete, specifies the path param that represents the ID

See the following config where each of the default options is explicitly set:

terraform: true
endpoint: get /products
method: list
endpoint: post /products
id_property: product_id
method: create
endpoint: get /products/{product_id}
id_path_param: product_id
method: read
endpoint: put /products/{product_id}
id_path_param: product_id
method: update
endpoint: delete /products/{product_id}
id_path_param: product_id
method: delete

Custom configurability

Every “attribute” (aka property) in a Terraform resource’s schema has a “configurability” setting attached to it.

The “configurability” of an attribute determines how it can change over time:

  • required: must be provided by the user at all times, cannot be null
  • optional: must be provided by the user at all times, can be null
  • computed: cannot be provided by the user, is provided by the API or provider
  • computed and optional: can be provided by the user or the API or provider

There isn’t quite enough information in the OpenAPI spec to specify each of these precisely, so you can add an annotation to your OpenAPI spec if we don’t infer it correctly.

By default, we infer configurability like so:

  • required: marked as required in the create endpoint’s request
  • optional: not marked as required, or
  • computed: a property only defined in the response of the create or update endpoint, or marked as read-only in the OpenAPI spec

To customize the configurability of a given property, specify the x-stainless-terraform-configurability extension property on your schema. For example:

type: string
description: The cardholder's name
x-stainless-terraform-configurability: computed_optional
# required, optional, computed, computed_optional are all valid values

Next Steps

Terraform is still in beta, so it could have bugs or backward-incompatible changes. If you do find a bug, have a question, or want to provide product feedback, let us know at